Rigorous Liberal Arts Formation
Medical school is academically intensive, 需要大量的记忆和理解复杂的科学思想. 此外, it necessitates the ability to critically analyze, 过程, 太阳城官网, and communicate the learned information. 理科和文科相结合的课程将为在医学院取得成功打下坚实的基础.
本尼迪克特学院提供各种严谨的理科和文科课程,这些课程不仅提供进入医学院所需的先决条件, 但也有文科框架,有助于批判性分析,以及书面和口头交流.
要被医学院录取,你必须修一些共同的先决条件课程, 有几个专业会允许你修本专业的这些必修课程. 这些专业在学术上要求严格,为你进入医学院做准备. 一些可以帮助学生为医学院做准备的医学预科专业的例子是生物学, 生物化学, 心理学, 或化学.
According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), 在被录取的医学生中,最常见的专业是生物学或生物化学(54%)。, followed by chemistry (10% of matriculants) and psychology (10% of matriculants).
Medical schools expect students to not only have a strong academic record, 而且在课堂之外也有很强的领导能力和服务能力. 学生应该在学校和更广泛的社区中寻找服务机会,表现出同情心和同理心帮助他人的愿望. 此外, students should demonstrate the ability to be a leader in different environments, establishing a clear intrapersonal maturity. 本尼迪克特学院有很多机会参加学生组织, 学术团体, and community service projects both at home and abroad.
Strong 学生-教师 Relationships
Medical schools expect students to have strong letters of evaluations, vouching for the student’s academic aptitude and overall motivation. 在本笃学院, because of small class sizes and professor-guided research opportunities, students have numerous opportunities to interact one-on-one with professors. 这样建立的关系不仅有助于写推荐信, 但将提供可持续的专业关系,为学生在本科及以后的职业生涯中提供社区学习的基础.